Rotary Club of Kruse Way Photo Gallery

2nd Annual Golf Tournament
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Our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament was held on Sept. 6th at Rose City Golf Club. Thanks to our generous sponsors and to the golfers, the event was a big success! Proceeds will benefit scholarship recipients at PCC - Sylvania, Candlelighters families and participants involved with the other organizations we support!

Japanese Garden Tour
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Kruse Way Rotarians and friends enjoyed a special guided tour of the Portland Japanese Garden. Come join us for future fun & educational events!

Quilting for a Cause
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President Carol (l) and Rotarian Marilyn (r) display one of the quilts lovingly made by volunteers. It, along with many other beautiful quilts, was given to a young adult affiliated with the Transitional Youth program. The volunteers continue to sew additional quilts for future distribution.

Lakewood Center for the Arts Fall Cleanup - 2023!
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Another year, another successful fall cleanup at the Lakewood Center for the Arts!
A small, but industrious group of Rotarians braved the rain and chill and left the
property looking much better!

The Magic of Rotary!
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2024-25 Theme